Monday, November 22, 2010

Red Turns 11 Months

Wow! Time really flies very swiftly. It seems like it was only yesterday when I was lying on that operating table, then I heard one of the most wonderful sounds j have ever heard in my entire life: Red's first cry. It was amazing, absolutely mind-blowing. And now, less than a month to go and he will be celebrating his first birthday! I'm so excited with his birthday, then his first Christmas. Although, technically, it's his second Christmas, it's just that he and I just slept through the first one! Hehehe.

Anyhoo, time for me to get some zzzz's. It's a great day to be alive, as it is everyday! Good night!

Friday, November 19, 2010


“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.” – Albert Ellis

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quote Of The Day

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

Monday, November 15, 2010

Your baby can learn sign language!

Here's how to say:

• "Please change my diaper": Turn beet red and make straining expression, then smile. 
• "I'd like something to eat, please": Cram fist in mouth and suck wildly. 
• "I'm tired": Make a series of weeping gestures before closing eyes and lolling head backward. 
• "Please pass me that thing up there that I can't reach": Point and grunt, then continue pointing and open mouth into screaming position. 
• "No thank you. I think I've had enough": Throw food or object to floor with exaggerated grin.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Brand New Day

Good morning, world! Finding some time to blog while our little boy is enjoying his morning dose of Umizoomi. Yes, I allow him to watch tv, we just choose what he watches. Tv is part of our daily life, we just monitor what us shown and watched. Even I and his dad now memorized the Handy Manny and Dibo songs! Anyhoo, have to work today. Need to finish my project. But before that, I need my coffee. ;)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Back To Blogging

For the longest time, I've wanted to get back to regular blogging, but can't seem to do it. Work has been busy lately, which is really good, but I miss blogging. Being a full time work at home mom is hard, but being able to be with my family and watch my son grow up are so precious that it makes it all worth it. I'm currently preparing sources for a new blog I'm planning to setup soon, and I hope I'll be able to find time. For now, it's time to feed my little boy. ;)

Back To Blogging

For the longest time, I've wanted to get back to regular blogging, but can't seem to do it. Work has been busy lately, which is really good, but I miss blogging. Being a full time work at home mom is hard, but being able to be with my family and watch my son grow up are so precious that it makes it all worth it. I'm currently preparing sources for a new blog I'm planning to setup soon, and I hope I'll be able to find time. For now, it's time to feed my little boy. ;)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Letter of Resignation

I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult. 

I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of an 8 year-old again.

I want to go to McDonald's and think that it's a four-star restaurant.

I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make a sidewalk with rocks.

I want to think M&Ms are better than money because you can eat them.  I want to lie under a big acacia tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summer's day.

I want to return to a time when life was simple; When all you knew were colors, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes, but that didn't bother you, because you didn't know what you didn't know and you didn't care.  All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset.

I want to think the world is fair.  That everyone is honest and good.

I want to believe that anything is possible.  I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and be overly excited by the little things again.  

I want to live life simple again.  I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip, illness, and loss of loved ones.

I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind, and making angels in the snow.

So... here's my checkbook and my car keys, my credit card bills and RRSP statements.  I am officially resigning from adulthood.  And if you want to discuss this further, you'll have to catch me first, cause... "Tag!  You're it."

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Want Your Picky Eater To Eat Veggies?

Here's a trick to make a kid, who turns up his nose at just about anything that comes near his mouth, open wide: Name that Vegetable!

A study conducted at Cornell University found out that when preschoolers were told that an ordinary carrot stick were called "x-ray vision carrots", they ate almost twice as many of them. The strategy is framing healthy foods in ways that children can relate to, and it actually encourages them to taste and eat them.

You can even choose names based on what your child likes. For example, superheroes fans can name the brussel sprouts as "muscle sprouts, and fairy lovers can name sliced zucchini rounds as "pixie rings". Here are other ideas that might inspire you:

  • broccoli - dinosaur trees
  • salad greens - bunny food
  • cherry tomatoes - ketchup berries
  • peas - power peas
  • beans - magic beans
  • asparagus - super spears

- condensed from a parenting magazine

Monday, March 22, 2010

10 Reasons Your Newborn is the Love of Your Life

Here are some reasons why the new love of your life has you falling head over heels:

  1. He gives you a sense of purpose.
  2. He smells so good. (Cologne is way overrated.)
  3. He totally relates to the whole still-have-a-little-baby-fat thing.
  4. He doesn’t talk back.
  5. He’s completely cool with you citing him as the reason for leaving a social event early (even if you really just want to get home in time to watch Lost).
  6. He’s warm, cuddly and always up for a snuggle (and just a snuggle).
  7. He’s fine with you serving the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day of the week.
  8. He’s a great listener.
  9. He willingly takes the blame for any gas-passing that occurs. (Hey, it really is him occasionally!)
  10. He needs you—and you need him.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome to our Blog!

Hello everyone! Welcome to our little corner in the world wide web. This blog aims to chronicle the life of our new family, and journal the arrival of our little angel, Red. We want to help new couples, parents and families in their life, so we will be posting articles that we have found useful in these pages. When I was pregnant with our first son, I collected a lot of parenting and pregnancy books, and it has indeed helped a lot. So we are hoping that the articles can also help other new moms and dads in their new life as parents.

I hope to update this blog as often as I can, so please do come visit us again soon.